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Sunday, August 26, 2012

Just an OK mom...

I heard this comment made on one of the new "reality" tv shows. The mother-to-be, a young 17 year old, actually said that she thought she would be an OK mom, not good or bad but OK, just like her mom.


I laughed at first but then thought for a while. Am I just an OK mom? I mean what is "good" mom vs. just an OK mom?

Isn't it easy to compare yourself to other mothers? When their perfectly dressed, well mannered, first-place-at-everything child makes YOU question your own mothering. I know I try to be a GREAT mom but honestly, sometimes I probably am just OK.

I'm guilty of not paying full attention to every single detail of my baby girl's day. She's very detail oriented? :) Sometimes I'm happy to see my 19 year old head out the door just so I can be home alone. I don't make big fancy meals, I catch my self calling home to see what everyone wants me to pick-up too often. The house gets totally messy, I leave for work before anyone else is up and get home just in time to cook, clean-up, have a break down over multiplication facts and then finally try to sleep. Unless insomnia sets in. But that's for another day.

But then I realize my kids are happy. They are great kids really. Very well mannered, smart, respectful, honest, hardworking and they are better than OK kids. So I think I've done pretty dang at this mothering thing. We are sure far from perfect but I wouldn't want us to be either.

So I have to stop beating myself up, about my family not livivng up to the pictures you see of "perfect" families. We are all OK just like we are. Not good, not bad but to me, better than OK :)

1 comment:

  1. OMW I can so relate to this post! I too often start my Monday's already thinking about my to dos for the next weekend and too have insomnia more nights then not. I just started reading a fantastic book by Lysa Teurkerst called Unglued and think you would really like it! Have a blessed week!
