Do you ever just feel disgusted with yourself? Man I do. Frequently.
Tonight I am disgusted that I have managed to gain all of the weight I lost 7 years ago. Seriously, how did that happen? Stress. Contentment. Laziness. Good food. Yep that about sums it up.
Seven years ago I went through a devastating divorce. My youngest child wasn't even two years old yet. I was still carrying around baby weight and weight gained, thanks to fertility drugs. And then I found myself single and FAT. So with the help of a great doctor and a lot of hard work I lost 40 pounds. It was FABULOUS. And I've kept it off, until last year.
But the last year has been hard.
Four years ago I remarried. And it was wonderful, it still is. But 2011 was trying. Hubs & I separated, worked things out, then on December 2nd, our house burned to the ground. Yeah that will stress you out. I took that month off from work and COOKED. A LOT. And felt sorry for myself. A lot. And suddenly I'm right back to the weight I was in 2005.
I've tried to ignore it and act like it isn't happening. But when I look in the mirror I see the fat girl that ate Stacey :) SO tomorrow, I am starting a diet. That dreaded word. I hope I can do it on my on. I am giving myself 30 day and then, if I don't see any progress, I'm going back to the doctor.
I tried to convince myself that I am OK with myself, as I am. But I'm not. I'm disgusted. I don't want to weigh 200 pounds. There I said it. I need accountability. So I'll track my progress and relapses here!
What motivates you to loose weight? I'm open for suggestions
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