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Sunday, March 16, 2014

A Little Surgery

So, all of a sudden, over the last 6 months, I have started to fall apart. 
I find myself, on the cusp of turning 40, and instead of "getting it all together", as planned, I'm falling apart.

Just when I was settled in and comfortable with a weight loss plan, and lost 9lbs in 3 weeks, WHAM out came my appendix and gallbladder, at the same time. Ugh.  What a shock that was.  I really just assumed it was another diverticulitis flare up but, oh no, not that simple!  
I truly hope this is the last of any crazy surprise medical issues, for a while any way.  And I know this is nothing, compared to so many burdens of many others.  And really it's not the medical stuff.  I'll get over that and even feel better when than I did.  It just feels like another set back.  Another kick in the gut.  I want, so badly, for our lives to a little easier.  Have a little more fun.  Have a nice place to live and for our kids to call home.  I just don't know what more I can do.

Hopefully what I won't have to do, is have any more internal organs removed!


  1. Yikes! It sounds like you've had a busy couple of weeks. Praying for you!!

  2. Aww thanks so much!! I'm feeling better, finally.
