I have worked, for the same company, since 1997. Things are really shaky right now. I was so fortunate, to not have to worry about my job, back when the economy tanked. We really didn't notice it at all, in my department. But now it's different. And scary. The thought of loosing my job terrifies me. What would my family do? My income is vital. How would we have insurance? Obamacare - that's scary on its own.
I'm feeling so troubled right now. My soul is weary and scared. I want so badly to just be at peace with my life. But I'm not. I'm struggling. Bad. I'm struggling to find happiness. I'm struggling to just enjoy my family. Ugh. It's stressful.
I'm praying for some really big things right now. I desperately need some peace. And clarity. If you read this, will say a little prayer for me? God knows.